Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Trying this again

Hi.....I'm going to try and get this going again and eventually get a blog started by September. Considering retiring from senior care and child care due to recent injury of back and shoulder. Thank you for being patient with me : )

Please continue to be patient with me as I learn about blogging, what works , what doesn't and everything in-between .

July is just about over......and I'm so looking forward to getting this up and going again.
What is your favorite 2019 Summer memory ? Did you build any sand castles ? Read a good book ? Visit a relative ?
My favorite 2019 Summer memory is visiting with my Marine and had a mini vacation in NC : ) I collected some mementos to put in a scrapbook.

Last day of July ! Whoooohooo ! Summer will be over before we know it and some of us will have children back to school or starting school.
August : Month long is Childrens Vision month and Get ready for school month ! Anybody just starting Kindergarten ?
August is also National Inventors Month, Cataract Awareness Month (get your eyes checked) ! And last but not least What is Your Legacy Month ! Please feel free to comment on any of the above.....
The past year I've really been thinking about the legacy I will leave. My father and one of my adopted Moms passed away last year 2 months apart. Being with them 3 to 6 months before they passed and the family togetherness I witnessed was loving and the words spoken before touched my heart. What legacy do you want to leave ?

Monday, April 2, 2012

April Sneak !

I usually try to make a special April Fools Dinner for the kids, however this year too much was going on ! Just before Church our order of chicks were delivered and the kids saw to it that each got a drink of water before being set into their place. We've got a kiddie pool set up in the basement with a red lamp over it. 
Jeremiah did make it to Church to do his April Fools prank on his adopted Grandmother Joyce. He usually sits with her each Sunday. But this time he snuck in while she wasn't looking and crawled under the pews up front till her got to where she was sitting. POP !  A few people were wondering what was slithering past them !  
At home it turned into a serve yourself dinner, still having kidney stones creeping on me from time to time.

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Popeye's girlfriend

I really should have listened to Alan about drinking my cocktail a few times a week. It was a long night last night as I experienced what must have been a large kidney stone or a number of them lodged. I'd been drinking strong lemonade and had hoped that would be enough. Early this morning I finally gave in and made myself a Olive oil/Lemon juice cocktail. (2 oz. Olive oil and 2 oz. Lemon juice) An hour later the pain had subsided quite a bit. I nodded in and out on the recliner in the livingroom. The Tylenol 3 seemed to help.  So now I will continue with my daily regimen of drinking lots of strong lemonade and have my Popeye's girlfriend cocktail !